Why Choose WordPress?

The single biggest advantage to WordPress is not technical, but rather that is is a well known platform. 

WordPress began as a blogging platform that eventually grew into a content management system. Because it was the easiest platform to use when blogging first took off, literally millions of people have used it and are familiar with how it works. This means there is a higher probability your employees already know how to update it. Even if they don’t, it is the easiest content management system to learn.

In the last four years, WordPress has developed many widgets that reduce the amount of technical work to create popular web features e.g. calendars. Initially WordPress did not allow you to arrange content except in limited ways. The traditional WordPress theme was arranged for blog posts on the left side of the page, a tag cloud on the right and a menu at the top. To change this, an engineer needed to change the code in the theme.

WordPress has made a major step forward with the divi theme.

This theme puts the placement of content in an administrator’s hands without need for an engineer.  Landau Digital specializes in configuring the Divi theme and can customize the content arrangement and appearance for you.

The two remaining drawbacks in considering WordPress are security risks and the availability of the widgets you need. We have repaired several WP sites recently and the malware attacks are becoming more time consuming and costly to repair. In addition, it may be more difficult to tie to certain other website technologies needed. One example is e-commerce widgets. Fortunately at Landau Digital we have found a way to secure your site to reduce malware invasions and keep your site safe.
